
As far as I remember I was always in love. I was dreaming love, longing love, falling in love, falling out of love, reading about love, preparing myself to love and so on, and so forth… Thoughts of love concepts and theories were created in instance and were dissolved as quickly. If I only knew back then that people’s romantical interactions consist of only 20% of affection and 80% of pure human psychology, I would probably saved a lot of time trying to figure out if the true love really exist or it’s an ancient myth. And here I’m, one divorce and a few unsuccessful relationships after, still looking for Him whether I want to admit it or not.

You know, every time after I look in a scary face of another inevitable break up, I do that thing of analyzing what went wrong, in order to sort of improve, learn my mistakes and give myself time to let go and heal. While I’m grieving at another love funerals, I usually catch myself thinking the Bridget Jones’s inevitable remark: “Next time I won’t f**k it up!” And the time has come.

As I forced to exit my recent relationships once more, I’m starting this blog to help me finally summarize everything I’ve already learned and came across to according relationships (God, I hate this word) and promise myself to not quit until I find my very true love and succeed in keeping it.

The second reason I’m doing this is that I’m tired witnessing people making the same mistakes all over again and dooming themselves for the ok togetherness thinking that’s normal.

Lastly, I’m mad at all of those people who sort of adapt to the current situation what makes finding love nowadays nearly impossible thanks to their psychological defense traits, what science defines as “growing a crown”. I also want to highlight that it’s not an another girly relationships blog. Gentlemen, I’m sorry, but the information I’m planning to share can be very helpful for you too.

Yes, I did my research, if you ask me. But I’m up for a good argument, because you know how they say that the truth is born in the discussion, so bring on your comments and corrections for our arguing pleasure and see where it leads us. On my account, I promise I’m going to be very tough on each one of you including myself in this perfect war of disassembling our love illusions piece by piece and creating a complete different person based on reality. In the end, I’m willing to become an emotional titan with everything I want in my hands because I will never settle for anything less than that.