You’re a Piece of Work

There is only one basic principle in this magical process of working on yourself to become a pure gold of a person. Without understanding this principle, the art of creating a strategy, setting up the rules, analyzing your personality traits to understand what causes what and dealing with the consequences is absolutely pointless. This principle is so important that to think outside of its concept is not only foolish, but harmful. So here it is:

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What’s Your Value?…

Generally, the main base of love relationships is your subjective value in the eyes of another person.

That simple fact however very often is not fully understood. Most of us don’t get that our subjective value (SV) in a very beginning of meeting someone is very low and even nonexistent but is changeable in process of getting closer.

The actual love is the growth of SV and your influence in the life of that special person. He(she) looks at you from the different sparkling angle even if your objective value is minimum.

Objective value of the person (OV) represents your importance to strangers in general. It’s the difference between your value and the value of another person. It’s how you are looked over in the society compare to others. And that’s what people evaluate when they first meet you.

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