How I built my entire vacation wardrobe around Swimwear

I recently traveled. My dream came true and I got to visit the most beautiful part of Italy – Amalfi coast. Days of research on what to see, where to eat and more importantly, beaches to swim at and I got an excellent idea on what my vacation wardrobe was going to be like. I decided to build it around my swimsuit collection.

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Notes on Health

Aside from individual energy resources there is another main source to gain power to enjoy your every day life – food. As much as I don’t want to be trivial, but it is indeed very important what you are putting into your stomach, because it affects your being significantly. To tell you more, all the modern world sicknesses nowadays start in your digestive tract, including recent epidemic of depression, anxiety and other mental-related illnesses.

Judging from my own perspective when I get to live in such a busy town like New York and being occupied with work while making my dreams come true, often I find myself caught up and stressed in the industrial lifestyle. In the past I got to such point of exhaustion when I was constantly so tired that I couldn’t even get up from bed, not even talking about completing any tasks. My dreams that shined brightly before, turned into black and white monochrome, and were put on hold.

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How to Do Lebanese Food in NY

ilili Restaurant interior
ilili Restaurant, 235 5th ave, NY

As Jonathan Gold once said, “the first responsibility of any great restaurant is to keep you in the bubble”. That’s exactly how I would describe my first experience at ilili restaurant on 5th avenue in  New York City. They focus on traditional Lebanese cuisine. From the smartly constructed rooms: one with high ceilings and big family style round tables, second with private self-focused dining and the lounge area for the roaring happy hours, you are welcomed  instantly into a world of tasty smells where hunger grows proportionally to the food arriving at your table. Even if you decide to stay at the bar for a few cocktails, you will eventually end up having some food, I can promise you that.

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Manhattan Harbor by Sail

We’ve already agreed on how while learning something new (study resource) we start circulating among interesting people, creating reservoir of energy to empower love resource, all thanks to the gain of stability and level of spontaneity that makes us more attractive as well as help us to widen the circle of acquaintances for informal communication with absence of expectations from either sides. In another words, we open to the broad spectrum of like-minded people and have enough energy to keep us far enough from building illusions and rolling down the pit of addictions – so, we can fall in love. Therefore, if your love life is non-existent it’s always better not to look for a partner in love, but occupy yourself with creative, scientific or sport hobbies, start learning something in groups (or individually but with the chance to share opinions with people of the same passions) to create a field for contacts, in which finding love can become quite simple. You might going to get several options to choose from.

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Miami You Haven’t Seen Before

For most of us, especially like me living on the east cost, going to Miami for a weekend is not considered a vacation. It has become a party destination for younger people and something of a quick sun tan kick with a glimpse of Caribbean waters for the ones, who’s, on the opposite, dying to getaway from the noisy city stress (me!). But what if you after getting much needed rest actually crave for something more than a drink in a fancy lobby of the Mondrian Hotel followed by the skyline view over Biscayne Bay? Not that it’s unsatisfying… but still. Well, let’s get in the car then!

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