Notes on Health

Aside from individual energy resources there is another main source to gain power to enjoy your every day life – food. As much as I don’t want to be trivial, but it is indeed very important what you are putting into your stomach, because it affects your being significantly. To tell you more, all the modern world sicknesses nowadays start in your digestive tract, including recent epidemic of depression, anxiety and other mental-related illnesses.

Judging from my own perspective when I get to live in such a busy town like New York and being occupied with work while making my dreams come true, often I find myself caught up and stressed in the industrial lifestyle. In the past I got to such point of exhaustion when I was constantly so tired that I couldn’t even get up from bed, not even talking about completing any tasks. My dreams that shined brightly before, turned into black and white monochrome, and were put on hold.

Likely, all I needed is a little research and a big change in my eating habits. Beware though, there are a lot of bias paid-for information on the internet, that’s been sponsored by companies interested in making money of you being and staying sick. In that mesmerizing sea of nutritionists, diet cults and health coaches, only one source stand out to me and that was information offered free by Medical Medium. I was sold instantly, firstly because his knowledge always comes with explanation of what exactly happening in your body when you eat certain foods, and secondly, that he doesn’t own the knowledge, which comes from the pure source – Sprit of Compassion, different from the information of scholars and influencers, taught by the same people, who still don’t know how to cure anything, but rather treat symptoms.

Whether you believe in spiritual realm or not, it is not the reason to disregard Medical Medium teachings, just try to keep an open mind. Look at it as one of the “eat the meat, spit the bones” situations, especially considering the fact of how much people cure their conditions, using this information. Including me.  Because once I were one of those fast-food and pizza places regulars with crazy chocolate addiction and inevitable double coffee cup in my hand, leading me to severe anxieties, migraines and stomach issues.

My conditions improved immediately after I cut out mentioned foods from the list below as suggested by Medical Medium as well as illuminated certain products from my everyday life. Some stuff like getting rid of perfumes wasn’t easy, especially for the girl, but the self-satisfaction of eating healthy along with daily improvements in my overall mood was just as high as my love for delicious aromas. I was so impressed and thankful that trying Medical Medium cleanses came along organically and I even tried some of them several times. The major bonus after starting living my life by Medical Medium protocols is the taste of the real food has improved so much, that I no longer need to cook complicated meals with bunch of add-ons. I eat very clean and simple now, and I’m loving it!

You can find much more wisdom and the reasoning behind it on Medical Medium channels and in the books. Below I’m providing helpful links to get those incredible health knowledge resources that have a weight of encyclopedia for me!

Medical Medium Brain Saver Protocols

Medical Medium Cleanse to Heal

Medical Medium Liver Rescue

Medical Medium Thyroid Healing

Medical Medium Life-Changing Foods

And here I simply list the foods to avoid in order to start your journey for drastic health improvements you deserve!

  • eggs
  • dairy (including milk, cheese, butter, yogurt, cream and kefir)
  • gluten
  • soft drinks
  • be mindful of salt consumption
  • pork
  • tuna
  • corn
  • industrial food oils (vegetable oil, palm oil, canola oil, corn oil, soybean oil, safflower oil)
  • soy
  • lamb
  • fish and seafood (except for wild caught salmon and trout, sardines, haddock, halibut, mackerel)
  • vinegar (including apple cider vinegar, or ACV)
  • fermented foods (including kombucha, sauerkraut, and coconut aminos)
  • caffeine (including coffee, matcha, and chocolate)
  • grains (except for millet and oats)
  • go easy on all oils (including healthier ones such as olive, walnut, sunflower, coconut, sesame, avocado, grapeseed, almond, macadamia, peanut, and flaxseed)
  • alcohol
  • natural/artificial flavors
  • nutritional yeast
  • citric acid
  • aspartame
  • other artificial sweeteners
  • monosodium glutamate (MSG)
  • formaldehyde
  • preservatives
  • perfumes, air fresheners and scented candles (!)

And finally, as a bonus you can find plenty of my own healthy recipes based of the Medical Medium information on my TikTok to help you transition smoothly, which I well-aware sometimes can be not an easy task!

Please share your comments and experience below!