Notes on Health

Aside from individual energy resources there is another main source to gain power to enjoy your every day life – food. As much as I don’t want to be trivial, but it is indeed very important what you are putting into your stomach, because it affects your being significantly. To tell you more, all the modern world sicknesses nowadays start in your digestive tract, including recent epidemic of depression, anxiety and other mental-related illnesses.

Judging from my own perspective when I get to live in such a busy town like New York and being occupied with work while making my dreams come true, often I find myself caught up and stressed in the industrial lifestyle. In the past I got to such point of exhaustion when I was constantly so tired that I couldn’t even get up from bed, not even talking about completing any tasks. My dreams that shined brightly before, turned into black and white monochrome, and were put on hold.

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